Reflective Pause

So far over five decades have come and gone in my life. Yet when I compare my accomplishments to my peers, I feel somewhat left behind. By that I mean, most people my age have left a mark on this world, yet all I have to show are the clothes on my back and not much more. One may think that by leaving such a small material footprint that at least you would leave behind a good looking corpse. Even in that case I would be seriously lacking. 

But no matter what you leave behind materially, it is nothing more than the tools of a faded life. Echos, if you will of a life once lived. The thing that is most important that you leave behind, is the impressions you leave on the minds of others. That's a part of yourself that rust can't erase, that will pass from generation to generation. It is a part of yourself that your children will see in their grandchildren, that will remind them of you. You see, that's the stuff legacies are made of, that's the jewel that truly should be handed down.  

So while I sit here with empty pockets and read of the accomplishments of my peers. I may still  feel a small twinge of envy towards them. But hopefully, I'll take a moment and reflect on these words that I pen today. That a parent can leave their heirs a fortune, but if they don't leave it with love or wisdom, then what have they really left them. 


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