Some Fruit and Something Sweet
(Author's note: I wrote this a few days ago as a way to ease some stress. Then I debated rather I wanted to make it public, due to it's personal nature. But a trusted friend convinced me that it may help someone out there in the same situation. So here it is.)
It's truly sad when you're all prepared to lie down and take a nap, then as you close your eyes an idea for a new post pops into your head. I guess it's true, "there's no rest for the wicked."
For my family we don't need a calendar to figure out it's the end of the month. Living on a monthly paycheck means that last week can be slim-pickin's when it comes to food. Normally I tend to keep these facts to myself, but in an effort to be more open and honest in my blogging, you might as well hear the truth.
Anyway, it's been this way for a while and for a great many in this area, it's the same story. My main occupation is sales, so you may think, "well, go sell something to feed the crew?" As simple as that sounds, like I said, when the whole region isn't much better off than yourself, well?
Enough excuses and fault finding, the point is you learn to depend on less. For the last couple of weeks we basically go vegan. With the exception of eggs we use little to no meat in our diet. Our prime source of protein and carbs is eggs, rice, whole grain bread, and beans; lots, and lots, and lots of beans.
Other than trying to "out poor" my friends out there, the point I'm making here is at times life doesn't like you. It doesn't care if you eat, sleep, or feed your babies. Now you may say, "that's a pretty rough attitude to take about it, where's the love or compassion?" You see there are times when compassion is what you give yourself and those that depend on you.
As you live this life, there will be days when you can't give in. You have to create a game plan a fall back scenario of just in case. If the past few years have taught me anything it's that sometimes you gotta "man-up" and do what must be done. And believe me when I say that, there are quite a few more women out there that can "man-up" better than most man.
So while things stay tight and you're pulling change from behind the cushions for the next meal (did that yesterday). You can do one of two things, lay in self-pity and cry in your coffee. Or do what you have to do to better yourself and your situation. Here's to all those who's dream are simply some fruit and something sweet.
It's truly sad when you're all prepared to lie down and take a nap, then as you close your eyes an idea for a new post pops into your head. I guess it's true, "there's no rest for the wicked."
For my family we don't need a calendar to figure out it's the end of the month. Living on a monthly paycheck means that last week can be slim-pickin's when it comes to food. Normally I tend to keep these facts to myself, but in an effort to be more open and honest in my blogging, you might as well hear the truth.
Anyway, it's been this way for a while and for a great many in this area, it's the same story. My main occupation is sales, so you may think, "well, go sell something to feed the crew?" As simple as that sounds, like I said, when the whole region isn't much better off than yourself, well?
Enough excuses and fault finding, the point is you learn to depend on less. For the last couple of weeks we basically go vegan. With the exception of eggs we use little to no meat in our diet. Our prime source of protein and carbs is eggs, rice, whole grain bread, and beans; lots, and lots, and lots of beans.
Other than trying to "out poor" my friends out there, the point I'm making here is at times life doesn't like you. It doesn't care if you eat, sleep, or feed your babies. Now you may say, "that's a pretty rough attitude to take about it, where's the love or compassion?" You see there are times when compassion is what you give yourself and those that depend on you.
As you live this life, there will be days when you can't give in. You have to create a game plan a fall back scenario of just in case. If the past few years have taught me anything it's that sometimes you gotta "man-up" and do what must be done. And believe me when I say that, there are quite a few more women out there that can "man-up" better than most man.
So while things stay tight and you're pulling change from behind the cushions for the next meal (did that yesterday). You can do one of two things, lay in self-pity and cry in your coffee. Or do what you have to do to better yourself and your situation. Here's to all those who's dream are simply some fruit and something sweet.
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