Do you really need a reason?

I usually write my post when a feel a hint of inspiration or when an interesting thought crosses my mind. But then again sometimes I post for no real reason at all. In other words I start the process with no agenda and however it ends up, it ends up. From comments I get, these usually end up being the ones favored by my "fans". (An extremely small, but loyal group of three.)

This post is no different, I started out with the title that you see and a finger itching to type. So what is my opinion or thought on "do you really need a reason"? I guess it can point to a number of different moments in your life. Anything from choosing the shirt you'll wear for the day, to picking what project you'll hit first on my job. Sometimes there is no selective rhythm or reason, you just jump on it.

If I had to make a point about my look at reason, I guess it would be that by making a move to begin with is never a bad thing. What I'm saying is sometimes we can get paralyzed by things that overwhelmed you, I sure as hell know that, and the two basic choices you find yourself with in that situation are, hit it or run like hell. If there's nothing else I can attest to in life, it's hitting or running.

So I guess the life lesson here is, do you really need a reason to be? Inaction only breeds stagnation and decay at some point. In other words, "letting sleeping dogs lie" for a while is fine, but at some point you have to do something. Which is where hit or run comes into play. 

Having roots is a great thing, but being unwilling to bend is another. Not changing or adjusting your course only gets you lost. Being willing to see where you are and where this course is taking you. Is the first step in getting where you want to go.

So where are you heading?


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