Just Say Something!

Let me tell you what, since my last official post "The Mundane" I tried at least three times to write my next post. The problem has been either every time I got in the mood to write or started writing, I was interrupted or lost the inspiration. If you've ever done any type of writing, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I mean every creative person goes through periods of nothing to say. 

I've heard that professional writers usually make it a habit of putting something down on paper (screen) everyday. I guess that shows how unprofessional I really am, simple because I consider this a more creative venture than a professional one. Still part of me says you should write something. Now rather that's ego or a need to be heard, who knows.

When you think of it, in some ways in our professional lives we demand the same thing. To get attention and to be heard. In the world of business most days can be pretty mundane. Routine can strech hours into days, days into months, you get the picture. So you may ask, well that's how my work is and there's nothing to do about it. 

Maybe this is the point where professional writers have it right. Maybe the simple (?) process of putting something down motivates the creative juices. So that what could have ended up being mundane can turn into inspiration. I'm not going to proclaim this will happen every time you do this. But more than likely, you will feel better about what you put out there. 

So in closing I'll simply say, this piece started out just as I mentioned. I had no inspiration or any real idea how this was going to turn out. I just put my fingers on the keys and went with the flow. Maybe if we treated more in our lives like that. How much more could we get out of our long ordinary days?


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