What You Learn, But Didn't Know
Earlier today I made a comment on twitter on how my grandparents made it through the Great Depression of the late 20's and 1930's. Being in my 50's both sides of my grandparents raised their families during the depression.
Growing up they would tell us stories of the hardships of feeding, clothing, and providing shelter for their families during that time. Since going through the Great Recession, these past several years. Those stories told by my grandparents have really helped my wife and I in keeping our family together.
Those were lessons I learned without really being taught. It was simply me and siblings just listening to the old "wise" tales passed down from one generation to another. I'm sure that each one of you out there has a story you can tell like that. Where somewhere in your life a wise sage passed down a truth, that you later discovered to be good advice.
In our real lives life lessons are learned everyday. Rather it's something as easy as "don't touch a hot stove" or something as simple profound as "a penny saved is a penny earned". We each have learned lessons through story.
I guess the point here I'm wanting to make is, life is a teaching moment. By living in the now and not the past or the future, you allow yourself to absorb and learn. And who knows, you may end up learning something and not knowing it yet.
Growing up they would tell us stories of the hardships of feeding, clothing, and providing shelter for their families during that time. Since going through the Great Recession, these past several years. Those stories told by my grandparents have really helped my wife and I in keeping our family together.
Those were lessons I learned without really being taught. It was simply me and siblings just listening to the old "wise" tales passed down from one generation to another. I'm sure that each one of you out there has a story you can tell like that. Where somewhere in your life a wise sage passed down a truth, that you later discovered to be good advice.
In our real lives life lessons are learned everyday. Rather it's something as easy as "don't touch a hot stove" or something as simple profound as "a penny saved is a penny earned". We each have learned lessons through story.
I guess the point here I'm wanting to make is, life is a teaching moment. By living in the now and not the past or the future, you allow yourself to absorb and learn. And who knows, you may end up learning something and not knowing it yet.
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