Gifts To Strangers

It’s not hard for us to do a favor for a friend or family member. It’s not so hard to think you would do something for a neighbor or a person on your town. But it might be hard to do something for a complete stranger. Yet there are people out there who every day that do just that. They put their own lives on hold to help a complete stranger.

What is it that makes a person do that? What drives the charity they feel for others? Is it a conviction of the heart? Or is it empathy for those without? Whatever the reason, it is the light of those individuals we can all learn from.

Nearly every day I try and leave an encouraging word with those I met. Rather it’s online or in person, I don’t really expect any kind of reward back. I truly believe each of us have gifts we were given. And it’s with those gifts that we should give back to the world with no desire or expectation to profit from it.

So I guess the question I should ask is this, are you willing to give without expectation in return? Or does your charity have a price, because if it does, then it’s not charity.

Nearly every day we come across people in need. Now that need may not be for food or shelter, it can be as simple as a kind word or sincere smile. I guess my point here is don’t ignore the tugging of your heart when it comes to others. In my faith I believe angels can guide us to those in need, but it’s up to us to do something.

No greater gift can anyone give than to lay down their life for another. This saying isn't hard to understand for a spouse or a parent, but what about an enemy? What I’m saying here doesn't have to be as severe that. What I am saying is, charity, understanding, and empathy are all more than just words. They are the first true steps to understanding the mind of God.        


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