What Uninspired Should Mean

Once again it’s one of those days where I’m simply not feeling it, which usually means today’s gonna be a pretty productive day. The reason I say that is because, on the days where I don’t hang any expectations, any move forward move exciting. This may sound like a silly may to actually motivate oneself but living in the moment means to focus on now and not ten minutes down the road.

You may ask, does this mean living your life without dreams or plans? No, it simply means being focused on the task at hand or what you’re doing now. John Lennon said it best, when he wrote, life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans. So as I sit here feeling a bit uninspired and ill, it does not mean the day is lost. As long as I focus on each thing as it comes.

Even now as some of you read my opening statement of not feeling it. That didn’t stop me from putting together what I’ve done so far. Living and working in the moment for me achieves a kinda peace. A peace where no expectation means no worries or disappoint in the future. Now I expect some of you to think this is some new agey thought process, but consider this, even the Christian Bible tells us to consider the lilies.  

To put a period on what I’m saying here, planning or thinking about the future isn’t a bad thing. If it were, how could you plan for school or complete a work project? My point here is, don’t let yourself lose sight of what’s happening today because of your plans for tomorrow. Just because you’re not inspired doesn’t mean the day is done. Live in the moment.    


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