It Starts With Love

Well it's 10:15 AM here and the rain is falling, we had three beautiful sunny days this past week, so I will not complain too much. Here in rural Southern Georgia where I live even on a good day it's an effort to go anywhere populated. So I'm happy my wife and I did our shopping and other business this past week. It gives me a day like today to just lay here and listen to the rain fall and have a moment of peace.

It's important for us to do that, because in our American culture so much emphasis is put on running, running, and more running. That sometimes I see family and friends doing so much running, I don't see how they ever enjoy everything. It makes me wonder how long it's been since they've stopped or even listen to thunder?

I guess my point here is why do we run so much? Is it just to keep up with the Jones or is it something within ourselves we don't like? Do we look at ourselves disappointed with what we see? Believe me, I can look in the mirror everyday and find a new fault. You know, there is nothing wrong with improving or desiring to change something. If that were the case, I would have never went back to school or work to improve my health.

No one is perfect and thankfully we are given opportunities to change. But healthy change only comes when we first love who we see in the mirror. Then from that point we can better ourselves or our situation. This has been a long hard lesson for me to learn and I still sometimes struggle loving myself. But once you plant and water that seed of love, the rest becomes a little easier. It is at moments like this when verses like, "love your neighbor as yourself", take on a new meaning.


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