Feeling Fresh
My Potted Wild Rose |
Not entirely sure why I bring the subject up, other than to illustrate how feeling fresh always seems to get me going. And that sitting around and fermenting leaves me in the mood to do just that, sit around and ferment. But all joking aside, depression isn't something to play with for too long.
For a long time I suffered greatly with depression. Even today, I have my bouts with depressed feelings like I did a few days ago. What I've learned for myself is that fighting depression usually only avoids the inevitable. So I learned to just "ride the tide" and wait it out. But like I said, this is me.
I guess the lesson here is, for some of us depression and anxiety is nearly daily companions. The thing is to recognize what is going on and remember these are symptoms that you can overcome. The trick for me is to allow myself time to grieve. By that I mean, I allow myself the time to wallow in my self-pity.
I’m not sure if this is the best way to deal with depression or anxiety. But for me it allows me time to vent my frustrations and get over myself, usually within a short amount of time. Then I’ll come out of my slump and begin to seize the day again.
Remember life is like waves on the ocean. Sometimes the waves are rough and high, while sometimes they are just flat and calm. The thing is the weather changes all the time. So don't be surprised by the storms, because if you think about it they're going to happen rather you want them to not. So learn to ride the waves.
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