What it is to be you

I recall a while back I was sent to a therapist to help me
with my anxiety issues. Now I’d be the first one to tell you, I put up fronts
when it comes to new people, even therapist. One day we were having a session
and I made one of my cynical remarks about something. Anyway, the reply I got
from him took me aback. He replied, “Do
you always put up a wall of intellect? Or are you just trying to be something
you’re not?” For a moment I was speechless and then I thought to myself, “What’s wrong with me trying to better myself?”
I suppose the point he was making was about my evading his
questions with my cynical remarks. But at the time it reminded me of so many
situations where others would question my reasons for bettering myself. Besides
I’m the type of person that would just assume let the water row off the duck’s
back, then pick a fight. Especially when it comes to debating other person’s
core values. I’d rather look at the things we have in common then fuss about
the difference in our prayer styles or sexual preferences.
While that therapist point was about being who we are. Is it required of us to expound our moral or
ethical beliefs on everyone we can in contact with? Lord knows I may not
agree with my favorite restaurant owners religious beliefs. But it doesn’t make
me like his chicken sandwiches any less, (although
it would be nice to get one on Sunday).
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