Polite Exchange

Wheeler Co. Courthouse - Alamo, Georgia
While I do a lot communicating via social media, honestly I’m a bit of a recluse. But recently I have been interacting more with people on my neighborhood since I started taking morning and afternoon walks. What I’ve discovered during my walks is that while people are pretty friendly and polite, they sure do complain a lot. It seems that just beyond a polite exchange about the weather, most folks aren’t happy with anything.

Lord knows I don’t want this to sound like I don’t complain about stuff, because I do. It’s just that when I do get the opportunity to speak face to face. I don’t wish to waste my words hating on politicians, the neighbor’s dog; or people who don’t look, act, dress, or smell just like me. The really sad part is once the conversation aims in that direction, I end up bitching as much as them. Which at the end of the conversation ends up leaving my mouth tasting like I just drank castor oil (ask your grandmother).

In a good chuck of my writing I try and give an uplifting moral to the story. But that doesn’t mean I don’t complain (like I’m doing here). It’s just that so rarely I get the opportunity I have a good old fashion talk, why waste it being negative? It’s not that I require the world to be all about rainbows and sugar-coating dreams. But if you do have to complain, be constructive and give a common sense answer to the situation. 

Poisoning the well of dialogue isn’t going to win you over any friends. Neither is being the neighborhood “Debbie Downer”. Engaging others not like ourselves is the best way to learn more about the world. How else can you convince another they are wrong then by treating them with respect and a kind word.  


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