Your Value

Afternoon everyone. This morning I was checking the hits on my various social sites. My reason for doing that is to see how hits on my sites convert to book sells. Remember I do have two eBooks for sale at (Hey, dudes gotta eat.) Still while checking my stats I wondered to myself, “Am I measuring my self-worth by the number of hits I get?” I mean it’s a valid question. For those of us whose livelihood is measured by sales measuring success this way can be a slippery slope.

I’ll be the first one to tell you, if life were measured by how well you sell stuff. I would be poor indeed. You’d think (or at least I do) that I should be a pretty damn good salesperson. At least that’s what every sales manager has ever told me (which may answer a bunch of questions). In reality I suck at it. I quit trying to figure out why a long time ago. Now I’m at the point where it doesn’t bother me as much, because I love what am doing now so much.

But you know what that maybe the key, loving what it is your doing. Actually though, it may not be that so much as being comfortable with what it is you do. I’ve had a pile of different jobs over my lifetime. Some were very bad, while others were pretty good. Now my dream job may not be to end up stuck in a cube farm all day, but hey! I could deal. I’m sure a bunch of you feel the same way, like my old mentor once said, “It ain’t love, but it ain’t bad”.

I guess to try and put a bow on this thing I should say, you should not measure your value by the stats you generate. Although every manager out there tells you, they do. Measure your value by the quality of your life, not the quantity. I may never end up being a bestselling author; but that has little to do with how good a husband, or father, or citizen I am. Live your life for yourself.   


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