
I’m trying to make this a positive day, even though it’s turning into a shitty day. I know, I should remain positive. I mean hell, it is only 10 o’clock in the morning after all. But so far, I have been let down by one thing after another. For one my guts been giving me a fit for two solid days. A particular government agency I deal with nearly monthly won’t return my calls. And I can’t get a doctor to change an appointment I can’t make. I know, it’s all pretty “minor league” stuff, but I’m all so damn inconvenienced.

While I may have a real pet peeve with people that “drop the ball” when they say they’ll get it done. I shouldn’t let it surprise me. I mean we all believe we are entitled to certain rights and privileges when it’s convenient for us. We all get extremely impatient when it comes to our demands and right’s. Hell we look at others that are different then us and consider them undeserving. Somewhere inside of us have this built-in prejudice that people different than us, are somehow not as righteous or as special as we are. Listen I ain’t gonna sit here and point any fingers, without pointing a few back at myself.

Within the cathedrals of ourselves we seem to have built-in self-pity button. That conveniently goes off when don’t go our way. I suppose my point to all this is, life will let you down. But creating an “other” doesn’t solve the issue. If your mad at the government, then get mad at redundancy of it. If your mad at the doctor’s office, then get mad that they won’t hire more staff and pay them a living wage. As far as the “others” you blame your troubles on, how about getting your head out of your own ass. You, I am no better than the beggars in the streets New Delhi or that lost transgender child that was just kicked out of their home. How about we all make an effort to change ourselves? Well, I’m off my soap box now, I hope I didn’t inconvenience you. 


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