Reminded Me

It’s almost 6pm and I’m finally going outside. Mind you, it’s been a perfectly fine day. But as usual my weekends are spent catching up paperwork, doing chores, and managing a house I can’t manage during the week. I had nearly forgotten how to work outside the home. The wasted time, the playing “phone tag” with people you need to get ahold of, and making sure the two special needs people you are responsible for are safe. But those reflexes have been kicking back in, much like babysitting George a perpetual two-year-old.

I’m not complaining, but honestly, I am. I had a sweet set-up going, working from home, making sure everything’s taken care of, and having my freedom. Sweet freedom. Still it’s a pregnant feral cat, that reminded me it’s time to put the phone down, and just be. Like I said this cat took to me like a duck to water. Always jumping in my lap, waiting my attention, and making damn sure she got between me and my phone.

And this evening was no different, while the kittens were quiet, she got out of her nest, eat; then promptly got between me and this phone. Each time I attempted to send a message; she’d bump the phone. Not to be one that can’t take a hint, I put the phone down and rubbed her. As she got back to her babies, I looked out the window and took her advice. Now the birds are singing as the burning sunsets west. There’re not many gnats out here, but the other cats are circling me like a wagon train. You know, life seems to either be about working for yourself or working for others. Never making time for or anything else. But there are moments when you need to just be.



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