Sunday Morning

Well it’s Sunday morning and while it was raining earlier, the sun has now come out on this windy January day. Me and my father-in-law have a bit of a tradition where we call each other on Sunday mornings around 7:00 am. The conversations we have are pretty simple; we usually talk about our ailments, family gossip, or sports, whatever happens to pop into our heads.

I mention this to bring up the thought that in this modern world we live, many of us are isolated more than ever. This isn’t based on anything other than my own personal observations, but if you think about it you know I'm right. In this world of Texting, Reddit, and Facebook posts; I grew up in a world where personal communication was more… personal. I believe that despite the convenience of today’s technology, we’ve somehow lost the ability to truly connect.

With my own children the importance of conversation can get lost. This is a fact that I’ve noticed even among peers of my own generation. I suppose we have all grown too busy to take the time to sit down and just talk. It’s sad in a way that the technology we so longed for to make connecting easier has only made it more efficient. The time it seems that technology was supposed to save has only made it harder to find.

I suppose my ranting against technology or those new-fangled gadgets can be taken as a wish for a sampler time. And, in a way I Am. But the real point I want to make is, we as humans are a social creature. We were created to be social and communal, unified in one way or another. While technology allows us to stay connected over greater distances, the isolation that those distances can create is still very real. In other words an emoji and 140 characters can never take the place of a warm hug or the smile of an old friend.  

So as I type this out on my laptop, save it to my cloud drive, post it via the Internet, let me say. Technology is wonderful and it has its place. But don’t let it become an excuse to not take a moment out of your lives to truly connect with one another. It may be more efficient, but you have just one life. Connect.   


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