3 am
Last night I was having one of my famous bouts with insomnia.
Like clockwork I pop up between 2:30 and 4:30 AM, I look over at my wife
sleeping and check my phone to see the time. If I’m fortunate enough I can
sometimes go right back to sleep after a minute or two. If not, I’ll either
read one of the books I have on my tablet or check out the early edition of my
online newspaper.
I suppose it’s just a family thing. I remember a many-a-early
morning hearing my dad rustling around the house. By the time we woke-up
breakfast would be going with him sitting at the kitchen table reading the
paper. Like father, like son I suppose. But unlike my dad, I discovered I have
sleep apnea along with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which are two things don’t
well when it comes to sleep.
My reason for mentioning any of this isn’t so much to make
excuses, as it is to ask the question, how
we work through difficult situations? At some point each of us encounters difficult
moments in life. Rather brought on by ourselves or through circumstances beyond
our control, the key is how we choose to face them that measure our success.
But if you’re like me, not every situation is successful; sometimes they can
leave scars and can take a long time to heal.
I guess my point here is, when adversity comes how do you handle
it? I mean all of us run into brick walls every-now-and-again. The key is do we
simply climb over that wall? Or do we step back, reassess the situation, and figure
out what put that wall there in the first place. There have been many occasions
in my life where that wall was there for a reason. Maybe it’s there to tell me;
hey you made a wrong turn. Or better yet, my intentions are good, but the
timing is all wrong.
These are things you have to consider before grabbing the sledgehammer
and dynamite. Because rather we like it or not, adversity or the occasional
bout of insomnia might be there for a reason. So take a moment and find out.
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