A Cold Front

Have you ever felt so at odds with people you run into that you wonder, is it me or what? I think of myself as being pretty comfortable around most anyone. But recently I’m discovering that maybe that statement isn’t so true. That maybe as I get older my usual boisterous self is rubbing people I meet the wrong way. I admit that of late, some of the people I’ve ran into aren’t my cup of tea. That most of the people I hear and see say some of the craziest things. Things that even I would give pause to saying with my tongue planted squarely in my cheek.

I don’t know, maybe I’m being a bit too sensitive about the whole thing. Maybe the best thing to do is let the “water roll off my back” and live my life. I mean each of us has the God-granted right to live our lives as we see fit. And your way of conducting your self doesn’t have to be in “goosestep” with my way I live. Still a lot of times I can just feel this cold front blowing over the whole world. Where it feels like our patience’s and good manners with each other have simply ran out.

I know, I know, I could be making a mountain out of a mole hill. But when it comes to dealing with others across the broad spectrum of society, doesn’t it seem like we tolerate each other less and less? It’s like the politeness we once expressed toward one other has been “tossed out with the bath water.”

My point in bringing up all this is to say, why are we so anger with each other? I mean, growing up there was some tensions out there; rather it was racial, ethical, or religious. But for the most part we seem to be going in a good direction toward working through those problems. (Or maybe that was just a fantasy playing out in my young mind?) Because now if an injustice is pointed out by one group, another group in our “society” simply dismisses it with whatever racial, ethical, or religious slur they can think of.

People we are better than this, and if we don’t put a foot down and remember that we have a lot more in common than we ever have apart. Then maybe our “great society, that shining city upon a hill” is truly in for a hell of a cold front.   


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