Life Is...

I’m laying here this evening, heating pad on my belly and an ice pack on my head. I so badly want to feel sorry for myself. But despite how deep into the abyss I go, I still see light. I stop wasting my time trying to convince myself I was special a long time ago. I know for a fact I’m not much different than any other person out there.

Still there are things that separates us from each other, for me I believe it’s my powers of observation. And the fact that I am a supreme cynic. These two talents have served me well and have caused me pain. Life is a classroom, if you allow it to be. There should be no point in your life where you stop learning. The minute you feel you’ve learned it all, is the moment you allow yourself to die.

Life is a continuing circle of life, death, and life again. Lately I’ve been spending too much time thinking of the end. Watching my heart bump up a needle on a stress test will do that. But in all seriousness, I just can’t give up on living. Deep within my being is the desire to live and the desire to create.

For so very long I stomped out the flames of creativity, only to see an ember light up somewhere else. Life is creativity, an endless circle of wonder, creation, and wonder again. Don’t waste your life just droning through the routines of the day. Spark up a conversation, smile at a stranger, compliment your child. All these things create. Life isn’t here to make things happen for you. It’s simply the canvas on which we create our own happiness. Take a moment and breathe in the day. Look up and see the clouds. Don’t let another day pass without you asking, what can I create today?


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