The Thorn in My Side

I remember reading in one of Paul’s letters about having a “thorn in his side”. I seem to recall it being there to remind him he was only human. I’m sure one of my preacher family members will clarify that with me at some point. The point I wish to make is it seems each of us has some “thorn in our side” that reminds us, “hey, let’s not get too big for our breeches”. 

Recently I was reminded of this with one of my kids. We were having a conversation about something and basically in my Daddy way, I was questioning their judgement. Needless to say the kid wasn’t very happy with my opinion. Now I’ll give it to that particular one, they said they did not appreciate my opinion. Now in the world I grew up in I usually listened to whatever my mom or dad doled out and did what I wanted. But to be honest I appreciated them reminding me they adults. So soon after our “discussion”, I apologized for being an ass. 

Now I’m not saying this to say, my kids are the “thorn in my side”… although? What I am saying is, sometimes we don’t know everything and sometimes we do cross the line. (Okay, I cross it a lot, fine!) So especially in family situations, we need to be mindful that just because you have that special arrow in your quiver that cuts deep. Leave the damn thing alone and save it for someone you really hate.   


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