Things Left To Do

Last night I went for my fourth sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea. You see, over a decade ago I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. And for a number of years was successfully treated with CPAP therapy (you know, the vacuum clearer thing your fat grandpa wears). Anywho, after several years without one I hope to get a new one soon. 

While I'm sitting here I'm asking myself, why bring this fact up? I mean other than my immediate family, why should anyone care? I suppose I’m mentioning this to say that I honestly love life and I'm not ready to "shed my mortal coil", as it were. Now some of my more zealous friends and family may take this as the words of a coward. But hell in reality I'm only just being honest. You see, I got a new lease on like just last year. I'm a lot healthier than I've been in a while. I have a new grandbaby to make rotten and damnit I'm living past the age of 59. So I feel I got things left to do. 

For those who are ready to abandon ship and “fly away”. The thing is the earth was created as a paradise (at least that how I read it). Then things got screwed up. My point is that I'm here and I know there is still Love left in this world. So should I give up on that Love and think of myself? Or shouldn't I be doing our damnedest to nurture every strand of Love I find while I’m here? According to my beliefs, I only get one chance to be me. Might as well do my best and leave quite an impression.


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