Changing Our Spots

I’ve been wearing glasses since the fourth grade and for the most part I’ve owned only one pair at a time. But you have to realize a few things, I’m old very school, I’m not very stylish (just ask my kids), and my prescriptions are fairly expensive. But offers me my prescription at a very reasonable price so I decided, “Hey, let’s become a hipster.” (Please, contain your laughter.)
Well now I have five pairs of glasses, three are my regular prescription, one pair of prescription sunglasses, and one pair of computer reading glasses, which I definitely recommend if you’re in front of a computer screen all day. But after expanding my eyewear empire, here’s what I’ve discovering about myself.
For one, I’m definitely over 50, meaning I choose comfort over style any day of the week. Second, while I may own a few different styles of glasses. My overall wardrobe shall we say, is very much Mr. Rogers. A few sweaters, some khaki’s, blue jeans, and a few polos; not much call for a fashion stylist here.
I suppose the thing I’m learning is while the outside may seem easy to change. For some of us, the inside remains the focus of our improvements. So while changing ourselves is a natural process we should all embrace. For old leopards like me, changing our spots is harder than I thought.
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