Totally Embraced

For the past few weeks I’ve been batting around an idea for my next eBook. I’ve been jotting down stories and working out an outline hoping to put together an entertaining and inspirational little eBook. It seems since I’ve totally embraced this writing thing, it’s become something I don’t want to stop doing. In the past I’ve always went on a tangent for whatever project then at some point to either get bored or hopelessly in over my head and run.

But I will admit that over the past few years my flights of fancy have been limited. That the last few projects I’ve taken on have been seen through to the end. I suppose this can be all chalked up to maturity (considering I’m in my fifties). Or maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve looked deeply into myself and realize life’s just too damn short to not be happy and do the things you love. 

While the world appears to be built on the belief in survival of the fittest, I believe we are all given an equal shot at life. That just because one way creates an easier path, it doesn’t make it the right path. That the road to fulfillment and happiest isn’t always easy or even successful. The point is what path do you want to take? Another important point is to not beat yourself up for the miss steps you have taken. 

I believe to be totally content we have to except ourselves warts and all. And learn to forgive ourselves for our own shortcomings. Accepting forgiveness from others is one thing, but forgiving yourself is something else. Without some degree of self-esteem we can become lost and carried with the wind. Which brings me to where am today and the projects that sit in front of me. 

Life is too short to just drone away the hours doing something you hate. Life was meant to be lived and embraced. So embrace your life and give your passions a chance to bloom. Besides everyone needs a hobby, so take a chance and live. 


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