Went There
Over the weekend I was touching base with a couple of my long distance relatives over the phone. In my usual Thornton-Geiger way the conversations took on the razing we usually give the ones we love. I don’t know why, but with people I am completely comfortable around, I usually end up seeming to torture them with my smart-assed remakes.
For folks that know me, there can be times when I’m a bit of a critical, smart-ass. My cynical nature was honed through years of my own verbal abuse and growing up observing my peers say one thing and do something entirely different. This type of background should be considered normal training for any future comedian or just plain hard to get along with cynic.
I suppose what’s makes these statements odd is the fact that most of my writing is of the positive nature despite myself. So why is that? Actually I have asked myself that question a bunch of times. I think it comes from the pace for which I write compared to the pace for which I speak.
My reason for thinking this is, while I have not been officially diagnosed, I believe I have a mild form of dyslexia. Without bogging down too deep in the reason why I think this, over the last number of years I’ve noticed it when I write and recall information. While this doesn’t completely explain my varied styles, it does explain the more thoughtfulness I place in my written work.
The point I hoping to make here is, in our snap decision world which we live. It can be very easy to say things that maybe shouldn’t have been said. My hope is give your words some thought, no matter where they end up. So when you do throw out that comment that “went there” when you shouldn’t. Be big enough to admit you shouldn’t have and apologize.
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