Funky Few Days

Well this has been a funky few days, besides the eBook launch, my sinus situation, and now my stomach rebelling (never mind); I've been feeling a bit panicky, nervous, and down just right… funky. I know my language here may sound a bit jovial, but when you’ve been dealing with Panic Disorder and Anxiety as long as I have; you tend to take things with a casual stride.

As I've said many times over, fear and panic are a funny thing. Once you learn to overcome them in one area, they pop up again in places you weren't expecting them. Life can be full of anxious moments that’s just normal. It's that for some of us it’s like the volume knob is broken and our anxiety plays at full volume all the time.

I suppose that's why I choose to live in a rural area. Compared to some places I've lived this town is downright deserted and way too quite. But it allows me the chance to regroup when panic has me by the throat. It also gives me the opportunity to function at some level even when things aren’t so good.

I guess the point to all this confessing about my panic is to say, it’s okay to be aware of what's going on. In other words if you’re like me, your antenna's up all the way anyhow; might as well be aware of what's going on within yourself. But at the same time be patient and don't jump to any and every conclusion and freak out. Center yourself, breathe, focus on your breath, and remain in the moment.

Because when you are in full panic mode and anything’s racing. The key to putting yourself back together is breathing in and breathing out and allowing your panicked mind to rest.  

If you're experiencing panic or anxiety this link has some helpful meditative and calming aids: Self 



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