
Showing posts from 2012

Touch of Frost

Over the last few weeks there's been a touch of frost in the air. Although, I haven't really seen any on the ground to speak of, I can definitely feel it in the wind. It's about this time when you know that winter is at the door. The wind is cool, the leaves are all but gone, and the time for nature to rest is happening everywhere.  The good Lord gave us four seasons for a reason. A time to wake-up, a time to grow, a time to reap, and a time to rest. Each has it's place in the world me live on. Not only to do the job God has given them, but to let us know there is a point in life for everything. That throughout our existence there is a time for all things. I know there are songs and scriptures that tell us these things. But, sometimes while feeling a touch of frost on our faces, we are reminded again. That all life is a journey, and that it flows through it's seasons in the passage of time. Were we awaken, we grow, we reap, then we sleep.  While each of us...

My Worth, the Conclusion

After looking at our bank account and counting up some change. My bride and I were figuring up what we have left for the rest of the month. We were looking to do OK this month until an unexpected bill or three and an unexpected trip to a job interview kinda wiped us out. So as we count our change, we now got an idea of how we'll do till the first. This is nothing new for us, since my last job left the country and that joke of an unemployment check stopped more than a year ago, things get a little tight sometimes. But you know, I've moved way passed the anger I had felt at my job, the economy, and at myself. To a place where one day, one moment at a time, I work toward my family goals and look for better days. Crazy right? You see, once your stripped and laid bare (figuratively, mind you) can see the only thing that's important is love and family. Because believe it or not, even if your buried in a gold casket. Your still no richer than the pauper buried in a plywood b...

My Worth to You, Pt. 2

Well this is second part in my series about myself. Other than letting the four people that usually read this know about my work qualities. I'm using this medium to "practice" a little before I go on to real interviews. So bear with me as I once again give myself a lesson in self promotion. Other than having a little talent at writing (which I was recently told is full of grammatical errors?), I like talking to people. I enjoy making conversation and that one-on-one interaction. Which is one of the reasons I felt I would be good at the profession of systems analysis. I've always liked visual puzzles.  Although, I most certainly enjoy it when things run smoothly, I've always seemed to have a knack for seeing irregularities when they occur.   Also by being an active listener, I feel I have an understanding of what it is people are looking for in a solution. One of the things that has helped me to develop this is one, my training at sales and security...

My Worth to You, Pt. 1

With the piece I wrote a few days ago about using the time we have, I got some good news last night that everything's settled with the school and now I'm in the process of becoming an official graduate. Now that that business has been resolved, two other goals can now that center stage to be completed. First and foremost is the issue of finding employment were I and my employer are happy. In my resume and my postings at LinkedIn, I hope that I am showing the values that I can add to an employer. But as with most all things, I'll probably be tweaking and refining my profile from time to time. As any other job seeker well knows, there are so many resources out there that claim to have the answer to us finding employment. Personally, I still feel it's up to us to get our faces out there so that those who seek the right employee will see us.  That being said, for those of us with what many consider unproven track records. We must rely on the skills we do have to get ...

With the Time You Have

In the situation that I am currently in, it gives me time. For many people that I know, it appears that is something they have very little of... time. I watch the news, I speak to family and friends and one thing seems to always ring true, their either out of breath, or out of time, or both. Even when I was working it didn't seem like I was working. Mostly because I liked my job. But during my work career I tried to make time for family and myself. Which is where I feel this piece is going, about making time for yourself.  Each of us has obligations in this life, either to family, work, or others. For the most part there are others who depend on us in some way. And, it is each of these obligations that chip away at a little of our time. Which to themselves may seem like a little, but when added up, can turn into a whole lot.  In my situation, my close family and friends put up with this opinion from me (obsession, if you will) of it is the idea that I have...

Pointless Banter?

I feel pretty good today, although my eyes are giving me a fit (sinuses). So staring a this screen is a bit of a pain today. Still, as with a lot of stuff happening to my body, such as it is. A few days ago I caught wind of the Trenton, NJ Mayor Cory Booker's attempt at living on foodstamps for a few days. I'm not clear on the reasons (plight of the working poor),(making smart decisions with SNAP monies), or (simply political gain), all I know is he's doing it and struggling some.  First and foremost, I give props to him for it. It is nice to see a politician learning what's it's like for the working poor. I guess the thing I draw form all this is that hopefully Mayor Booker takes away a real sense of what it is like to be in the new middle class. I grew up a child of the sixties and seventies, I graduated from high school right after the recession of the mid to late seventies in 1980. During my childhood I grew up in a comfortable suburban neighborhood. ...

It Never Hurts to Dream?

I usually don't stay up that late, but at 11:00 pm, I watched the "balls drop" for the multi-state Powerball lottery drawing. Telling my wife to get ready and grab her passport and call the airline for a first-class ticket to any Pacific island we could get to the fastest. I felt the need for a fruity drink and some sand between my toes.  At 11:01 pm , after the first, then second, then third numbers dropped, I was ready to tear-up my ticket and go to bed. That's how it was for some 100,000,000 other people across the US.  According to Yahoo/ABC news  this morning two people did win the jackpot. Which made me both mad and happy for them at the same time, strangely enough. But the interesting part of the piece was the additional 8,924,123 people who won smaller amounts. Like the 58 people who won $1,000,000 and the 8 people who won $2,000,000. And, 8,924,052 others who won even smaller prizes. How will they all cope with the loss?  I know that sounds l...

In Whose Shoes We Walk

Well for months now I've joked and been serious about turning 50 and finally I did last week. And of all the things I could have thought about that morning the thing that stuck in my mind was still missing my birthday card from my Mom. It hasn't been quit ten years since she left, but you would think by now that pain would pass. But it's at those times like birthdays when the wound in your heart opens fresh again. I was fortunate to have my Mom as long as I did, my Dad passed some nearly 20 years ago. It's not that Mom is more important than Dad, it's just different. I guess the good thing is, that they really are not gone. Because in my looks, in my voice, in the pains I sometimes wake-up with, they are still here. And the same can be said for my kids, in each of them I can see a little of Mom and Dad, my wife, and even my in-laws too. So as we look at the twilight of this Thanksgiving week. Remember your past and the loved ones your thankful for. Because as yo...

Why Ain't You Excited!

One thing that most people that know me can say is, I'm not that excitable. And, for whatever reason I've always been that way. So I guess when people found out it was my birthday yesterday, my 50 to be exact, I guess they assumed I'd be a little more...excited.  You know it's not that I'm not impressed with the milestone, although it does remind me of my limited time to complete my goals. It's just that maybe when I see that nothing much has changed around me, my position in this world, others feelings toward me, my value to society. It makes me feel like, "OK, I'm here, now what?" It's sorta' like when I went to an interview with a local businessman for a sales job. The person who interviewed me was to company owner, since his sales manager was out. I could see from my seat outside the office, he had already put down 2 cans of Redbull and was working on number 3. When I stepped in and sat down he was flushed red and shaking. After our...

Why Hire Me? Or Anyone.

There isn't much use in going outside day and raking the leaf farm or washing clothes because it's rainy & overcast (we don't use dryer's, we hang clothes out, like the Walton's). So I'm stuck here working on a paper for school. If I think about it, I could write term papers in my sleep. In fact, I think I have a couple of times. But that's what I do, study and write papers.  As the four people who regularly read this know, I'm just a week or two from finishing school. So while this course is on my mind, so to is my next step. Where do we go from here, as the line from a song say's (if you remember that song, your old). I've been doing job searches for a while now, I only slowed down so I can concentrate on this course. But after November 26, that's it.  Where does a 50 year old, who's set in his ways, but loves to learn and take on challenges go? Who out there believes, like I do, that age is only a number and that an old dog can...

Showing Support, While Laughing

As some of you may know, besides myself, I have kids in college. Two of which are just starting their Junior years. Well I have just a couple of weeks left in my final class of my bachelor's program. That said, when I listen to my underclassmen children moan and complain about the work load and study groups, outside I give a sympathetic ear, but on the inside I'm laughing my ass off.  Is this because I understand the work involved or is it something more sinister? The inherent need to see underclassmen suffer just like I suffered. Or is it the fact that I enjoy watching my kids try to stand on their own, only to watch them fall on their behinds over and over again?  Do you remember doing that? Watching your little ones pull-up on a chair or table and let go, only to hit the ground on their padded bottoms. Then sit for a moment only to try again. I want to think that that is the reason I laugh, and honestly, I think it is. As parents we want to see ...

Just Waiting on a friend

It's Monday and it's one of those days where I'm sitting here spinning my wheels going no where. The reason for this is, like a lot of you out there know all too well, I'm waiting for someone to complete something, so I can finish a project.  Over the 30+ years I've been in the workforce, no matter what industry or level of seniority  I've been at, you at some point end up waiting on someone else to finish. Now when I was a young laborer this didn't bother as much, mainly because I was still getting paid. And besides, I could sleep off the what I was doing the night before. But then, when I ended up being the payer, not the payee, well my attitude changed.  So I guess things haven't changed much, I'm waiting, and waiting, and waiting some more. I guess I should think of something else that I could be doing to make value of this time. But sometimes doing that shifts way too many things around, then I end up being the one who's late.  So I ju...

Growing Your Circle

I was going to sleep tonight and a thought for a post came to mind. But instead of getting up to jot it down I fell asleep. I guess that's the difference between me now and me 30 years ago. You see, 30 years ago I would get an idea for a poem or usually a song lick while I slept, then I'd pop up and write it down. Not anymore.  I think I'm saying that to bring up the point of keeping relationships up with various types of people. What has that got to do with sleeping, poetry, or whatever your talking about? You may say. Well when I bring up various types of people, I mean of various ages.   At my age, which I don't find very old now. I have a set of friends I grew up with that I can relate to problems and situations we all face at our age. And you know, that's a great thing to have someone who can really relate to whatever your going through.  At this point I can also say I have my kids that I can relate to as young adults. Giving them advice (rather asked for...

Controlled Route

I was a little surprised that I hadn't wrote anything in a few days. I guess for the past few days I've felt uninspired. I'm not quit sure if it's because I'm tried or the change of seasons or something else. All I know is I'm uninspired. I'm dragging around the house, not wanting to finish class assignments, just blah.  You ever have a day or two like that where you rather hide under a rock? That's about as close as I can come to my feelings this week or three. Not an inspired bone in my body. But you know, when you hit a skid like this sometimes you got to cut things on autopilot, if you know what I mean.  If you don't, it means training yourself to simply fly along in a controlled route. You see, not everyday is going to be inspired, sometimes you drudge along in a routine you've worked out, until the inspiration comes back. For me, the free flowing ideas and thoughts, like these, are the catalyst that can inspire me.  So I guess the poi...

You Gotta Laugh Or Just Cry Or Both

Late today someone sent me a note that kinda made my day. Although their words were kind, the only thing I could think of was sending them a smart-ass reply. Which was really funny, by-the-way.  But that's the way it goes around here, I'm never been one to "bask-in-the-glow" of compliments. I'm a behind the scenes kind of guy. When I played in a band many, many moons ago, I simply stuck to doing my job and letting other members take the stop light. Though I worked equally on arrangements and writing.  The same goes for my brief radio and magazine careers. Their I produced the radio show and set the format for the program. While I did work the mic as host for a while, I preferred going to the background and letting the young guys shine. In my magazine career I edited and wrote, but kept a low-profile by ghost writing for others.  I guess it all goes back disdain of praise. I suppose I could go into the reasons why I'm like this, but does are my demons and...

Lots of Potential

Over the last few days, I received a bit of a set-back with a major milestone coming up. I don't think it was anything that I did, just one of those things that life hands to you. After getting the news it did knock me back a bit. It took what was going to be a celebratory time and throwed some cold water on it.   As I try to do, I vented to one of my small support team members. They replied quickly with some encouraging words of support. Which I already knew, but during my time of, "Woe, is me!", you just don't want to hear. Because right now all that's on my mind is, doesn't this happen every time something good is about to happen. Just like the time when we were getting ready to buy our dream home and a physical disaster nearly wipes me out. Or, like the time we were getting so close to completing a life long goal and the rug is yanked out from under us.  People that know me say, you have a lot of potential. At times I feel that's going to be...

What Does Your Inside Voice Say?

Remember your mom or a teacher told you to use your inside voice? They more or less meant for you to quite down, that your being too loud. Well the inside voice I'm writing about is that down inside, that one that lives in your gut.  Recently, I was enticed to go to auto dealer and trade in my vehicle for a newer one. Long story short, the longer I was there, the more my gut screamed, "Get Out While You Can!"   So, I did. This is one example where my inside voice probably saved me a nickel. But you know, there are times when the voice inside may not help you. Sometimes that voice is insecurity and fear of rejection and it's those times when the voice is wrong. I think as we go through life the experiences we've learned (good & bad) shape those voices inside us. And, in some situations we end up with more bad voices than good. But you may asks, how do you tell the good voices from the bad ones? Well, that sometimes takes experience and maybe even another...

Into My Head & Out My Ears

You know, I had a good idea for a post this morning. The problem is I went online to school, made coffee and breakfast, then watched some of the news. And, I did all this before picking up my laptop and going to this site. Oh well.  It's amazing some of the things that can go on inside your mind, the thoughts that can walk through and pop out. It's nothing new for me to be thinking of a problem during the day and in the middle of the night the answer comes, like it was there all the time. Yet at the same time, I can have a brain frat and not remember the simplest piece of information, like one of my kids names. I think my point here is I worry that all I've learned in school is simple spilling out of my ears, the longer that I'm not working. I fear that the things I pick-up on are rusting away the more I sit here. If I wasn't so damn far in the sticks, I'd take an apprenticeship position, just to stay sharp.  But I only have a few more weeks left till grad...

Late Bloomer

To the two or three that read my post sorry I've been away so long. School just got to be so much of a chore, as well as, life in general I had to put something down. But, anyway I just turned in my last assignment for this course and my heads still spinning. So I thought I'd lay here and put down some incoherent thoughts as usual. I think my main problem lately has been burnout. I checked my schedule and I haven't had a break from class since 11/26/2011, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas, that's barely two weeks total. You know, I don't know why I drive myself to do this sometimes. I mean, some nights I wake up in the middle of the night with an idea and turn on the computer and login to class and work well into the morning. Even today, I had till late tonight to finish the project, but I didn't get up until I was done.  Use to, I'd drop a project at the drop-of-a-hat. Now I work harder than I ever had when I had a job. And care a lot more now to ab...

I Think of Stuff

Well, it's been a while since I posted last. It's toward the end of a difficult course, so I'm devoting most of my time to it and my job searching. Still, in the back of my mind I think of stuff I'd like to post. While I've been away I do wonder if all that I write is for anything? I mean, is it read by everyone and do they get anything out of it? Or I'm I really wasting time?  I justify my writing by believing maybe my kids will want to read it someday. You see my own Dad was a good guy, but there are so any questions I would have liked to ask him. And, although I can't guess what questions my own kids may have in years to come. By putting some of you thoughts to screen, maybe it would give them a clearer picture of who I am.  These weeks have been a little tough, as the year few years have been. But I see a "port on the edge of the horizon", so I know things are getting better. You know, if you keep a perpetual mindset of nothing ever gets ...

Finishing a Chapter

I remember when I used to read books (before school, I read a lot) and I remember how kinda' sad it was to finish one. Know what I mean? Well, I'm in my second week of my next to be last course I'll take at UoP. And, while I was finishing my personal assignment for the week, that thought come to my mind. That I'm really near the last chapter of what was a very long book.  What do you do after winning a hard fought goal? Not some short term something, I mean something that was part of your life for 4 years. What will it be like to get up after that last Monday in class and not have discussion questions to answer or assignments to plan or complete? This school has been such a central part of my life since 2008, that it kinda' feels like watching my kids leave home again. Realizing nothing going to be the same, that a phase in your life is over.  You know, I don't mean to make this sound sad. You would think that I'd be overjoyed, and counting the days till...

Out of Your Need, Give

I know that I don't have to tell any of you how bad the economy here in the U.S. and in the world is right now. Not only do we hear it on the news, but we see it at work, and you see it at home, because your out of work. Each day millions of us decide, is it the lights or food. We have all learned some hard lessons about how easy it is to go from doing OK to going to bed hungry just to feed our kids.  These are times only my Grandparents could recall, that my Dad (if he were alive) could remember from his childhood in the 30's & early 40's. But you don't need me to remind you how bad things are. We are living it each day.  Now that I've cheered everyone up, let me get to my point. Although, many of us face hardships with paying bills and meeting our obligations. There are still way too many who, face even harder times. They look at the upcoming bills and have to decide which utility they can live without this month. Or rather they can skip two, three, or...


Whether we admit it or not, we all like to feel important. Unfortunately, some of the most important people in our lives are the ones that either "be little" us or never "pat" your on the back. For a long time , I have suffered this type of abuse, from loved ones and even myself. It took me a long time to get to the point of self-worth that I'm even at today. But it's something that I work on and hammer at every time I get up. Being in the middle of this crappy economy doesn't help the situation either. With each "Dear, John" letter you get from a company, you feel less and less powerful and important. Now, I don't have any instead karma answers or even great pearls of wisdom. All I can tell you is, having value and self-worth are important. At some level you have to be confident in who you are. In my darkest hours of worthlessness I always had the fact that my children were cared for and well-adjusted. That even if I thought of myself ...

What Morning Coffee Teaches

Just about every morning I get up grab a cup of coffee and head for the porch. My front porch doesn't face the sun as it comes up, but I can still see it's light shorten the shadows on my lawn. Monday though Friday I watch my neighbors rush off to work as the school bus drives by, with the noise of distant cars heading down the highway just two block over. But, while it's like this five days a week, on Saturday and Sunday it can be so quite, you hear the squirrels running along the cable line on the power poles.  Either time I sit and watch the neighbors or squirrels quickly head off, simply sipping coffee and packing a smoke. When the coffees gone and my smoke is through I then head to work. You see a few months ago I would do my school work and my day was pretty much done. But lately more and more opportunities have been coming in to put in applications. About to the point where I'm spending way more time on them then my course work.  You'd think, if ...

Work Over Will Power

It seems to me that people today are either moving too fast or not at all. At work, people are either working too many hours or not enough. When traveling, we are either on the go too much or not moving at all. With our families, again, we either don't have enough time together or we see each other too much.  I tend to class myself with not enough's, although I have also been a too much. I empathize with those on both sides of this coin. While making ends meet or being successful, you loss time watching your kids grow up and out. Or you desperately look for ways to feed our family, while worrying at night about how your children will ever see the light of day. Yes, both things make us pay a price.  I can't sit here and offer anyone a simple answer as to what to do in either situation. I believe each of you knows that answer already. What I can tell you is, no answer is an easy answer. Each one requires dedication and developing the path to make the answer a habit. I w...

Lazy Day

As much as I hate to say it, today's kinda' been a lazy day. For the first time in weeks it wasn't a steam bath just sitting on the porch this morning. There were a few good games on TV today. And, I got a really good nap in the early afternoon. Some of you may think, "Why do you hate saying it was a lazy day." "Doesn't everyone deserve a lazy day every once-in-a-while?" I guess my answer would be, I spend everyday in school trying to complete my goals. I'm either reading, researching, or writing, and when I'm not doing that, I'm waiting on teammates to turn in things. When I'm not in school, I'm networking and/or filling out applications for work. I have heard that you should treat job searching like a 40 hour a week job. But after 2 years, I think of it as a sunrise to beyond sunset job. So when I do take a day to just rest, I feel like I could be missing out on an opening somewhere. Even this morning I was checking in at scho...

Yes, I Still Dream

You know, as I approach the landmark birthday of 50. I look at other folks my age and wonder shouldn't I be in the middle of a career and have established myself by now. But then I laugh at myself and think, "hell, maybe I'm just going through my second childhood a little early". I say that because I feel very young and ready to start. It is so absolutely crazy to be doing what I'm doing. To be someone my age learning a totally new field acting like a rookie graduate fighting for jobs like a 24 year old. But I love it, and I mean love it not because I'm "re-living" my youth. But because I get to do what I know I can do. It should also be noted that the situation that I see around me. A poor economy, limited job openings, and a general bleak attitude from everyone around, isn't going to deter me from my goal.   If you see yourself in a situation like me, where you feel lost and see no more happy endings. Then I have some advice for you. When p...

What Education Give Me

As some of you may know I'm two months away from my graduation. An event that I find myself quite calm about, other than being ready to get it thing over with already. Today I found myself listening to a live streaming webcast about higher education and it's real value. So while I listened to the back and to banter it got me to thinking. What value have a gotten or I'm I going to get from my degree? My answer to that question goes well beyond the any monetary value I'll get from that piece of paper. And, to be honest that piece of paper is as valuable to me as my marriage license and my children's birth certificates. Because that piece of paper represents a commitment I made to myself to finish my program. Just as those other pieces paper represent my commitment to my bride and to our love and to our family.  I know that may sound a bit heavy, but proving to myself that I can finish this, is as earth changing to me as the days I signed and committed to those other...

Saturday Breeze

I was sitting on my porch Saturday just rocking away in one of the rocking chairs out there. It was the afternoon but it wasn't too hot. The sky was cloudless and a slight breeze was blowing. It was a good day to be in the rocking chair. As I sat there with a bowl of tobacco and a cool drink, my mind thought over my situation. And, how for the last two years, I've felt both stagnate and flowing.  I let that thought only stay in my mind for a moment. Then went back to the steady rocking of the chair. I closed my eyes for a bit and, almost like a mantra, I let the rocking clear my thoughts and just be in the moment.  I wonder sometimes how others who I know or just observe get through a day. I say this because I see them literally running everyday. They are either running to work or running home or running to play. Always running, always moving. Yet I sit here thinking about them and wondering. Why? Despite my appearance and most peoples ill-thought out opinions. Many feel...

The Next Greatest Generation?

My wife and I have four kids. Well you can't technically call them kids because they are between the ages of 25 - 20. So I'll say, we have four young adult "children". Well for a while now a lot of people, including me, thought that this generation was "spoiled". Meaning they grew up with a lot more stuff then any generation before.  What I didn't take into account was the great recession of 2008 and beyond. You see, since my oldest and some of yours to, have graduated high school and now college. This generation is going through a harder recession and job search then I went though when I graduated high school in 1980. To call an average kid today a "spoiled kid" is real dis-service to these kids. The national unemployment rate for youth (16-24) is at 17.1% as of July 2012 (per government statistics). When I was a teenager getting an after school job meant extra pocket money for dates. Today is helping to support the family to just pay bill...

Too Tried to Journey

As some may know, I have good and bad days. On the good days I'm ready to "hit the ground running" and take on whatever challenge I have to face. Then their are the bad days where I'm doing good to pull my head out of from under the covers. This may not the best response to give especially when courting employers, but it's an honest one. So if your an employer who wants only one-sided people who bounce off the walls, then maybe it's best we don't work together.  That said, when the bad days do come it usually means I require putting forth extra focus and extra effort to do what I have to do. A good example is a few weeks ago I had an assignment to do and needless to say it was during a bad day. Well I sat in front of my monitor for a while thinking, "I really don't want to do this". But as usual I pushed myself to complete the assignment. During the following week I wasn't looking forward to my grade on that paper. But to my surprise, t...

I'm I Making the Right Turn?

As you pursue a your dreams, like I am to create a career, you run across patches were you wonder if your on the right path. Well over the last few months that's what I have been wondering. I mean put yourself in my situation, I'm nearly 50, just finishing my first bachelor's degree, and going into a new career field. So if I wonder if I'm doing the right thing, I think I'm justified in having those thoughts. Well today I go a little ego boost. The boost came from of all places a textbook. It's our first week in a new class so I was reading the text for the week. What I found in it was a full blown description of the job I want to get into. Then it went on to describe some of the personal traits that are best to have at that job. Nearly every quality the book described I have in my own life and have used in my professional life. Needless to say, I felt pretty good after reading that. I guess my whole point in writing any of this is to tell others to first l...

Optimism & Faith

Politics & Religion are two subjects I don't usually touch in my posts. It's not that I don't have a point of view, it's just that I find when speaking to groups of people; these two subjects can be very polarizing and blind some from the message your wanting to send. That said I wanted to touch on something that has really been a crawl under my skin for a long, long time. First off I will admit I am a person of faith with a very strong belief system that I keep very private. For some right now that may be a problem, but that is not the subject at hand, just some background. I grew up in a home with a strong dominating religious ideal. An ideal that is shared by many in my family and by my old friends. I must admit that my belief system has grown apart from some of the truths that many of the people I know hold so dear. This a another fact I don't often share. That said, I think of myself as an optimist. As I have achieved goals over the past number of years...

Always on my Mind/Value of Yourself

Lately all I can think about is a job. When I get up in the morning, when I go to sleep, even when I dream, I'm thinking about who to sent a resume to next. So far my track record isn't very good, of all the resumes, applications, and cover letters I have sent, I've only gotten a few replies for more information, one interview. And one half interview were I was the only one who showed up. As much as I'd hate to admit, this does take a toll on the ego, wallet, and lifestyle. Not that we lived like kings mind you, but it was nice to take your wife out every so often.    Right now the things around the house are wearing a bit thin. Things like towels, clothes, teeth, all are in need of repair. I do thank God that no one has had to go to the doctor, my medicine cost enough as it is. So at this point I would work for food, if someone was hiring. Sometimes my mind wonders if I hadn't gone back to school, would I been able to find work? I mean my values wouldn't have...

What Do I Need to Invent to get you to Hire Me?

Over the last three or so classes I've been taking courses with pretty much the same group of people. All of whom are either in my concentration or real close to it. So for the first time since my associate studies I've kinda of gotten to know my classmates. A few of my classmates have commented to me that my fellow employees and employer must be glad to have you on their team. Because of my grasp of business analysis. I think I've surprised them by telling them that I have been out of work for nearly two years and that so far not one employer with an opening in business analysis has even given me an interview. Two of my classmates have even told me of openings within their own organizations that need filling, which I'd be glad to look at only if they were not across the country from me. You get a little frustrated when you see so many job openings that I know are not being filled. Yet it appears none of these businesses are willing to look at your application. I sit ...